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eLearning Translation Services

eLearning translation services that live in hearts

Are you seeking for quick and competent eLearning translation services to localize your company eLearning courses and video training materials in more than 260 languages to teach your foreign human resources? Then you've arrived to the correct location. Localizera assists large corporations in the IT, medical, financial, automotive, and manufacturing industries by providing education translation services for eLearning material and L&D programs with the greatest language quality and technical correctness, while also assuring the most suitable cultural experience. We make it simple for multinational corporations to achieve brand success in worldwide marketplaces by teaching international audiences in all foreign languages fluently all through untouchably accurate eLearning translation services.

Professional Human Translation

Excellent Quality

Super Fast

Competitive Pricing

ELearning Translation Services Gains

eLearning translation services enable individuals all around the world to access your eLearning courses and training programs. This outcome is achievable through professional and certified eLearning translation services. Your staff and students will learn and retain knowledge more efficiently if they use the language with which they are most acquainted. They might feel appreciated, driven, and engaged, which would lead to increased productivity and performance. The usage of eLearning translation services ensures the success of your organization or business by ensuring maximum impact and engagement, maintaining a positive brand image, and understanding of all contents. And a seasoned education translation services provider, such as Localizera, can help you get there quickly by using qualified and experienced translators who can provide eLearning translation services, for example, while avoiding cultural misunderstandings and worries.

Localizera offers the localization industry know-how as well as the finest, agile eLearning translation services technology to ensure that all of your business training courses, interactive learning tutorials, how-to manuals, academic translation services, and self-teaching videos are translated quickly and affordably. Professional eLearning translation services necessitate a language services partner with extensive knowledge and experience in interactive multimedia processing, video editing, multilingual voiceover, and software programming. This is why you need Localizera, the language industry leader in comprehensive eLearning translation services.

ELearning Translation Services
Years of experience
Language Professionals
eLearning Translation Services
ELearning Translation Services

Education Translation Services in 260+ Languages

In over 260 languages, Localizera has skilled native eLearning translation services linguists, voiceover artists, and subject matter specialists. We can provide eLearning translation services for content in all major languages with quality and speed. Our languages include Arabic, English, French, and Spanish, all the way to the rarest languages on planet earth.

The online education industry is expected to develop at an exponential rate as Generation Z and those born after 2000 get more acclimated to remote learning through online courses. This opens up enormous prospects for educational institutions and eLearning enterprises that provide online courses to reach out to prospective distant learners and students. Accordingly, Localizera provides the necessary eLearning translation services to convert your distance learning courses with quality and speed, whether you’re building them using Coursera, FutureLearn, EdX, or bespoke learning creation platform. We play on every pitch effortlessly with unrivaled eLearning translation services.

Video Localization for ELearning Translation Services

In comparison to text-based eLearning and training resources, instructional videos or tutorials offer the benefit of combining visuals (pictures, animations) with audio to provide a considerably more effective learning experience. Business information regarding products and services is intrinsically visual in today’s world. Video-based eLearning courses are better at capturing subtleties of concepts, body language, and context that would be difficult to portray with text-only information.

This is why video eLearning translation services have been rapidly expanding with the great exposure of tutorials and how-to’s on YouTube and other video platforms. The fast growth of video-based eLearning poses translation and localization issues. This is due to the fact that providing video eLearning translation services falls beyond the scope of traditional text-based translation management systems (TMS). For quality and efficiency, language service providers with both linguistic and video production experience are required. Localizera provides end-to-end video localization solutions, including technical and culturally acceptable translations, video editing, voiceover, multilingual captioning, and more. We use industry-standard video editing tools to ensure that your video eLearning translation services demands for worldwide customer and staff training are always fulfilled and surpassed.

Fast and Reliable ELearning Translation Services

Effective eLearning translation services of content necessitate both linguistic quality and quick response times. Clients are sometimes forced to wait days before even the most basic translation requests are finished. However, in today’s rapidly changing digital economy, eLearning creation is becoming more agile and happening at a faster pace.

This is why eLearning translation services must evolve to keep up with the digital age. Localizera provides the fastest professional education translation services and voiceover services for all your eLearning needs, all with the hands of the best academic translation services providers and linguists.

eLearning Translation Services

eLearning Translation Services for Every Educational Tool

We provide academic translation services and eLearning translation services with the most widely used eLearning authoring tools, including Articulate, Captivate, PowerPoint, Lectora Inspire, Elucidat, Camtasia, and H5P. We may use your exported text to translate and provide translated material, or we can work directly with your native authoring files for end-to-end eLearning translation services. In addition, our eLearning team is responsible for video captioning, subtitling, voiceover synchronization, and localized course testing. We can deliver the most competitive solutions since we perform the majority of our interactive and multimedia work using the most advanced technology.

Do you have a startup or a multinational company that wants to go global? Localizera‘s eLearning translation services bundle ensures that your company has an acceptable presence, a professional appearance, and a better tone of voice. Our education translation services linguists specialize in practically any type of academic translation services or eLearning translation services you might imagine or want, and we deliver on time and at unbeatable prices and expenses. So, instead of wasting time on alternative replacements, let us take the wheel!